Carl Fredericksen (voice by Ed Asner) ranks among the most unlikely heroes in recent animation history. A 78- year-old curmudgeon, he enjoyed his modest life as a balloon seller because he shared it with his adventurous wife Ellie (Ellie Docter). But she died, leaving him with memories and the awareness that they never made their dream journey to Paradise Falls in South America. When well-meaning officials consign Carl to Shady Oaks Retirement Home, he rigs thousands of helium balloons to his house and floats to South America. The journey's scarcely begun when he discovers a stowaway: Russell (Jordan Nagai), a maladroit Wilderness Explorer Scout who's out to earn his Elderly Assistance Badge. Their journey to a lost world, where they encounter some strange, exotic and surprising characters, is filled with hilarity, emotion and wildly imaginative adventure.
Special Features
- Dug’s Special Mission: An all new film original short that follows the misadventures of Dug as he attempts to complete his “special mission”.
- Partly Cloudy: The hilarious short film that preceded screenings of UP. In it, a fanciful world where cherubic clouds jovially create the earth’s cuddly animal newborns, one depressed cloud must find the silver lining in his assignment: fashioning the less-loved critters like crocodiles and porcupines.
Overall: Up has it all, its perhaps the best release of the year if considered as package. Its presentation is second to none and its a movie that can be enjoyed by kids of all ages including some of us who think they are too old for everything. I hope everyone picks it up and enjoys it for years to come. Highly Recommended.
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